OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form

Tested on Netscape 4.61 and Internet Explorer 5.00.


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


Times: Array of Strings [Time = 0..0]

SLR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T02_MIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T02_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T02_MEAN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RH02: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RH02_MIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RH02_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RH02_MEAN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

S10_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

G10_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

S10_MEAN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10_MEAN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10_MEAN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

S10_STD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10_STD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10_STD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

REFD_DBZ: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

REFD_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

REFC_DBZ: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

REFC_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

WUP_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

WDN_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

UDHELI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

UDHELI_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

WMEAN_MAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GCOLMAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QCOLMAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HCOLMAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_PRECIP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_ZRAIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_RAIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_SNICE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_SNOW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_GRAUPEL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_HAIL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TACC_SNOWD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_CURATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_NCRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_PRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_RRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_ZRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_IRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_SRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_GRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_HRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

INST_SFRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_CURATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_NCRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_PRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_RRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_ZRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_IRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_SRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_GRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_HRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MAX_SFRATE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LU_INDEX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LU_MASK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MSLP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HLON: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VLON: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HBM2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SICE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

FIS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RES: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

Q: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

U: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

V: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

DX_NMM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

DETA1: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43]
Time: bottom_top:

AETA1: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43]
Time: bottom_top:

ETA1: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top_stag = 0..44]
Time: bottom_top_stag:

DETA2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43]
Time: bottom_top:

AETA2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43]
Time: bottom_top:

ETA2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top_stag = 0..44]
Time: bottom_top_stag:

DLMD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0]

DPHD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0]

PDTOP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0]

PT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0]

PBLH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MIXHT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

USTAR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

Z0: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

THS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TWBS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QWBS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TAUX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TAUY: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACPREC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CUPREC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LSPA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CLDEFI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TH10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

Q10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PSHLTR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TSHLTR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QSHLTR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

Q2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

AKHS_OUT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

AKMS_OUT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALBASE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALBEDO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CNVBOT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CNVTOP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CZEN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CZMEAN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

EPSR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GLAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GLON: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TSK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

MXSNAL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RADOT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SIGT4: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TGROUND: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CWM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

RRW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

F_ICE: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

F_RAIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

F_RIMEF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

CLDFRA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

SR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CFRACH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CFRACL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CFRACM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ISLOPE: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

DZSOIL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43]
Time: bottom_top:

SLDPTH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43]
Time: bottom_top:

CMC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GRNFLX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

PCTSNO: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SOILTB: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VEGFRC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SH2O: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

SMC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

STC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

PINT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top_stag = 0..44][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top_stag: south_north: west_east:

W: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top_stag = 0..44][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top_stag: south_north: west_east:

ACFRCV: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACFRST: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SSROFF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

BGROFF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RLWIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RLWTOA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALWIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALWOUT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ALWTOA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RSWIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RSWINC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RSWOUT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ASWIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ASWOUT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ASWTOA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFCSHX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFCLHX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SUBSHX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOPCX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFCUVX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

POTEVP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

POTFLX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TLMIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TLMAX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

RLWTT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

RSWTT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

LANDMASK: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QVAPOR: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

QCLOUD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

QRAIN: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

QSNOW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

SMOIS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][soil_layers_stag = 0..3][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: soil_layers_stag: south_north: west_east:

PSFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TH2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

T2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

U10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

V10: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

LAI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SMSTAV: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SMSTOT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFROFF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

UDROFF: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

IVGTYP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ISLTYP: Array of 32 bit Integers [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VEGFRA: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFCEVP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

GRDFLX: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SFCEXC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACSNOW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ACSNOM: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOW: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

CANWAT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SST: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

WEASD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

ZNT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

TKE_PBL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

EL_PBL: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

EXCH_H: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

EXCH_M: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][bottom_top = 0..43][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: bottom_top: south_north: west_east:

THZ0: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QZ0: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

UZ0: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

VZ0: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

QSFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HTOP: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HBOT: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HTOPD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HBOTD: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HTOPS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

HBOTS: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

SNOWH: Array of 32 bit Reals [Time = 0..0][south_north = 0..140][west_east = 0..119]
Time: south_north: west_east:

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Support] at:

For questions or comments about OPeNDAP, email OPeNDAP support at:


Dataset {
    String Times[Time = 1];
    Float32 SLR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 T02_MIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 T02_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 T02_MEAN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RH02[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RH02_MIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RH02_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RH02_MEAN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 S10_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 V10_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 U10_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 G10_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 S10_MEAN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 V10_MEAN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 U10_MEAN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 S10_STD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 V10_STD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 U10_STD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 REFD_DBZ[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 REFD_MAX[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 REFC_DBZ[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 REFC_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 WUP_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 WDN_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 UDHELI[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 UDHELI_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 WMEAN_MAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 GCOLMAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QCOLMAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HCOLMAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_PRECIP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_ZRAIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_RAIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_SNICE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_SNOW[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_GRAUPEL[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_HAIL[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TACC_SNOWD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_CURATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_NCRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_PRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_RRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_ZRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_IRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_SRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_GRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_HRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 INST_SFRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_CURATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_NCRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_PRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_RRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_ZRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_IRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_SRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_GRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_HRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MAX_SFRATE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 LU_INDEX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 LU_MASK[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MSLP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HLON[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HLAT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 VLON[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 VLAT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HBM2[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SM[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SICE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 PD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 FIS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RES[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 T[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 Q[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 U[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 V[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 DX_NMM[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 DETA1[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44];
    Float32 AETA1[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44];
    Float32 ETA1[Time = 1][bottom_top_stag = 45];
    Float32 DETA2[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44];
    Float32 AETA2[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44];
    Float32 ETA2[Time = 1][bottom_top_stag = 45];
    Float32 DLMD[Time = 1];
    Float32 DPHD[Time = 1];
    Float32 PDTOP[Time = 1];
    Float32 PT[Time = 1];
    Float32 PBLH[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MIXHT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 USTAR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 Z0[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 THS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TWBS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QWBS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TAUX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TAUY[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ACPREC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CUPREC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 LSPA[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SNO[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SI[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CLDEFI[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TH10[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 Q10[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 PSHLTR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TSHLTR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QSHLTR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 Q2[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 AKHS_OUT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 AKMS_OUT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ALBASE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ALBEDO[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CNVBOT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CNVTOP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CZEN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CZMEAN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 EPSR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 GLAT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 GLON[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TSK[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 MXSNAL[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RADOT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SIGT4[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TGROUND[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CWM[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RRW[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 F_ICE[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 F_RAIN[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 F_RIMEF[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CLDFRA[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SR[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CFRACH[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CFRACL[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CFRACM[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Int32 ISLOPE[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 DZSOIL[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44];
    Float32 SLDPTH[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44];
    Float32 CMC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 GRNFLX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 PCTSNO[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SOILTB[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 VEGFRC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SH2O[Time = 1][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SMC[Time = 1][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 STC[Time = 1][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 PINT[Time = 1][bottom_top_stag = 45][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 W[Time = 1][bottom_top_stag = 45][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ACFRCV[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ACFRST[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SSROFF[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 BGROFF[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RLWIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RLWTOA[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ALWIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ALWOUT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ALWTOA[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RSWIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RSWINC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RSWOUT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ASWIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ASWOUT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ASWTOA[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SFCSHX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SFCLHX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SUBSHX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SNOPCX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SFCUVX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 POTEVP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 POTFLX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TLMIN[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TLMAX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RLWTT[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 RSWTT[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 LANDMASK[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QVAPOR[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QCLOUD[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QRAIN[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QSNOW[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SMOIS[Time = 1][soil_layers_stag = 4][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 PSFC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TH2[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 T2[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 U10[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 V10[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 LAI[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SMSTAV[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SMSTOT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SFROFF[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 UDROFF[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Int32 IVGTYP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Int32 ISLTYP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 VEGFRA[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SFCEVP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 GRDFLX[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SFCEXC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ACSNOW[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ACSNOM[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SNOW[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 CANWAT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SST[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 WEASD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 ZNT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 TKE_PBL[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 EL_PBL[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 EXCH_H[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 EXCH_M[Time = 1][bottom_top = 44][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 THZ0[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QZ0[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 UZ0[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 VZ0[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 QSFC[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HTOP[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HBOT[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HTOPD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HBOTD[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HTOPS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 HBOTS[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
    Float32 SNOWH[Time = 1][south_north = 141][west_east = 120];
} content/wrf_archive/wrf_nmm_62km/2024061900/d02/wrfout_d02_2024-06-20_02-00-00;