disclaimer: Please note that the WAVE data is of an experimental nature at the moment. No warranty is provided as to the accuracy of the measurments.
summary: The CARICOOS High Frequency (HF) Radars are shore-base instruments that measure ocean surface current speed/directiona and wave height/period/direction in near real-time. Theseradar system cover a large region of the coastal ocean, approximently 200m. Our newer models work within th 5-14 Mhz band.
funding: The Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (CARICOOS), funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is a Regional Association within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).
Julio Morell (Executive Director)
Jorge E. Capella, Edward L.Cruz (Data Manager)
Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (CARICOOS)